One night when Tyler was around a month old I nursed him to sleep in bed like I do most nights. Later in the night I woke up with a start and looked beside me to check on the baby who usually sleeps in between me and my husband. My husband was laying beside me right where the baby should have been. I freaked out and started panicking. My husband was sleeping on top of the baby!
Desperately I started shoving him, trying to get him off of our son who I knew was surely dead and squished into the bed. "WHERE'S THE BABY, WHERE'S THE BABY, WHERE'S THE BABY?!?!?" I yelled at him over and over while frantically shoving him into the wall and searching all over the bed. Bewildered, my husband woke up and started asking what was wrong and tried to help me search the bed, all the while getting attacked by his crazy wife.
I felt so sick to my stomach, and my heart was racing so hard. So much adrenaline. I couldn't find him. I just knew he had to be dead! Suddenly I heard stirring and little baby noises coming from the bassinet by our bed. Disrupted from peaceful dreamland by all of the commotion my little baby, safe and sound in his bassinet, started stirring. "OH, he's in the bassinet," I exclaimed to my husband as I jumped out of bed to check that it was really so. Relief washed over me when I saw my baby all cozy and without a care in the world. Apparently I had forgotten that I put him in his bassinet a few hours before after feeding him.
When my husband and I talked about it the next day he told me that I had scared him so bad that he thought maybe he really was sleeping on our baby. Poor guy. I still tease him about 'the night he slept on the baby.'
The Vital Babymoon
6 months ago
Aww you poor guys! I'm glad Tyler didn't get all squished.