Last night was quite an eventful night to say the least. It all started at 4:30am when my husband and I were awoken from a dead sleep by the nonstop screams of bloody murder coming from our next door neighbor living in the unit connected to ours. We live in a fourplex if you were wondering.
This woman and her boyfriend moved in about 2 1/2 months ago, and we have had problems with them ever since. Mainly constant yelling and fighting at random hours of the night, or really loud sex at various sleeping hours up against the wall dividing our bedroom from theirs. Last night though, was a whole new level of crazy.
As we were woken up by these screams, I was sure something horrible had to be going on. Maybe her boyfriend had finally had enough of her loud mouth and was killing her. Or maybe someone had broken in and raped her. All these horrific things were racing through my mind as I asked my husband if we should call 911. He said yes and we fumbled around our bedroom searching for one of the cell phones. I dialed 911 and the dispatcher answered immediately and asked the address of our emergency. I gave him the address and explained what was happening, and he told me they would send police over right away.
At this point it seemed like forever for the cops to get here. I tried checking the call history to see how long it had been, but apparently 911 calls don't show up in the call history on cell phones. The whole time our neighbor continued her blood curdling screaming and sobbing. As I listened closer though, I didn't hear another person other than her over there and started thinking maybe she was just overreacting as usual to god knows what.
I am guessing it was roughly 5 minutes until the cops showed up. They quietly drove past our house and parked a few houses down. Our neighbor was taking a quick 10 second break from her screaming, but quickly started up again. Once the screams continued two police cars backed up and pulled into our driveway. A third police car came very soon after. While I peaked out my upstairs bedroom window I saw two officers sneaking up to the front door, using our car for cover, guns drawn.
The cops banged on her door and told her the police was there and she needed to open the door. All the while she kept screaming and screaming. They yelled to her that they were going to come in if she didn't open the door, and one of the cops ordered a few more to go around back. By this time there were 5 total police vehicles lines up on the street in both directions from our house. As the screams continued I heard one of the officers radio in for an ambulance, and another officer keep telling the neighbor to come downstairs and open the door to talk to them.
Finally after about 10 minutes of this, she comes down stairs and lets the police in. While they are talking to her inside another police vehicle along with a sheriff's vehicle and a fire truck pull up. The ambulance arrives shortly after and 3 paramedics calmly walk inside carrying their equipment. As the paramedics do their thing inside, the 7 police officers that have arrived throughout this ordeal stand in a circle out in the driveway and quietly talk amongst themselves. As I continue watching out my window I see one of the paramedics, a younger man who appears to be not as sure about himself as the other seasoned paramedics, comes out and unloads a stretcher and slowly wheels it up to the door and goes back inside.
The paramedics are inside for about 15-20 minutes, and all the while the officers stand in their circle talking and laughing. When they were done with their evaluation the paramedics walked back out, talked to the cops for a couple minutes and then packed up the ambulance and left. The officer that talked to the paramedics went inside and soon after came back out with my neighbor following him, wearing pajamas and texting on her phone. She got in the police car and everybody left.
This whole mess took about an hour, and judging by the way the paramedics and police officers were acting after they initially got inside to talk to her, and by the fact my neighbor came out texting on her phone I think I was correct in thinking she was just overreacting as usual to whatever arbitrary drama is currently going on in her life. It was clear by the end that there was no emergency. I just cannot fathom how she can think it is acceptable and okay to react to anything short of an emergency in the manner in which she did.
My husband and I finally got back to sleep around 6am. Come 7am, my neighbor and her boyfriend arrived back home, and what did they do? As soon as they got out of the car they immediately started yelling and fighting outside and going on about how so and so is "acting like a f***ing c**t". Then her boyfriend proceeded for the next 45 minutes to yell near our window at their worthless little dog who ran away, because guess what? They never use a leash on it when it is outside and just let it do whatever. This is about the third time in 2 months it has decided to take off while unleashed outside, and the first time this happened it ran out in front of my car when I was coming home one night and I nearly ran it over. Seriously, how dumb and clueless can you be?
The Vital Babymoon
6 months ago
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